The basic elements of music are pitch, rhythm, dynamics, melody and form.
2. What is pitch?
Pitch is the frequency of a sound and how low or high the sound can be.
3. What is syncopation? What types of music use syncopation?
Syncopation happens when there is a variation of the emphasis put on a beat.
4. What are three examples of forms of music? Describe each form.
Concerto, sonata and symphony.
5. What is a form of music?
A form of music is the support an artist uses to make a piece of music.
Critical Thinking
1. I think people refer to music as a “universal language” because language is not necessary to appreciate or enjoy it.
2. Musical notation is important because it guides musician to read music.
3. Society uses music in a number of ways. We use it to dance, relax.