For this criteria, I am going to research and study the various forms of communication. I will be looking at all possible forms of communicating both old and new and discussing how they are practiced.
Main Topic
Communication definition: Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs". An exchange of thoughts, feelings or ideas towards a goal or direction.
Whilst researching human communication I discovered a vast array of techniques, processes, styles and methods practiced all over the world.
The process of communication requires a sender to encode and send a message via a communication channel that is being received by a receiver. The receiver is then responsible for decoding and processing the transmitted information and replying back via a communication channel.
In order for the communication process to be successful both the sender and receiver are required to have a subject area of communicative commonality. The information transferred between sender and receiver is transmitted via a wide variety of mediums, some of which include air, noise, signal, paper, and electromagnetic waves.
There are a large variety of communication models which outline the technique above. Some of the most popular are that of Shannon and Weaver, Lasswell and Berlos S-M-C-R model.
Within the communication process, there are many methods and channels used to exchange thoughts and feelings between individuals. Transmitted messages are decoded using our five senses hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste. Communication can be classified as either mediated or unmediated communication.
Mediated communication is communication that involves a process by which a message is transmitted via some form or medium. Internet content