Communication is a process that occurs within physical and social contexts regularly. Whitehead et al (2008. pg. 63) .The aim of this essay is to discuss Communication as a concept of Professional Nursing Practice. Presently, communication is an area of benchmark the government is focusing on to improve the quality of nursing care. The Department of Health [DH] [2001] explained that communication comprises of a number of skills used to promote professional practice. These skills will be identified and used appropriately to promote the health of the patients. The writer will use some of these communication skills to demonstrate the impact on the care nurses provide in line with the NMC standard and good record keeping will be discussed as a factor that is essential in effective communication practice.
Also, the concept of communication in collaborative work and how it influences the works of nurses through verbal and non-verbal means of expressions in building therapeutic relationship by active listening, respect and assertiveness will be looked into as well as the barriers of communication in nursing practice. Finally, the writer will draw a conclusion at the end of the essay based on his findings.
Communication is the transmission of information from a sender through a channel to a receiver, it can either be verbal or non-verbal means of communication. Oxford press (2008).
According to (Hargie et al 2004) .Verbal communication includes words, sequences and structures that are combined together to form speech. E.g. action words and tone of voice. Non-verbal communication involves the use of sign and no words being used to pass on is mostly based on the other party’s judgement and conclusion. Most of our daily reactions to different situations through body language, facial expression, posture, touch and dress are based on non-verbal communication (Porritt 1994).
Good communication in nursing
References: 1. Bach, S., and Grant, A. (2009) Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Nurses. Cornwall, Learning Matters. 2. Balzer-Riley, J. (2008) Communication in Nursing. 6th edn.U.S.A: Mosby Elsevier. 3. Burnard, P. (1997) Effective Communication Skills For Health Professionals.(2nd edition).Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes. 4. Caris-Verhallen, M.C.M., Kerkstra, A., and Bensing, J.M. (1999) Non-Verbal Behaviour in Nurse-Elderly Patient Communication. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 5. Chambers,C., and Ryder,E.(2009) Compassion and Caring in Nursing.Oxford:Radcliffe Oxford. 6. Clarke, E., and Keeble, S. (1987) Communication and Group Behaviour Diploma in Nursing. London, Distance Learning Centre. 7. Department of Health. (2001) Good Practice in Consent Implementation Guide: Consent to Examination or Treatment. London, Department of Health. 8. Department of Health. (2008) Evidence Base. [March2010]. digital asset/dh [20 July 2010]. 11. Unknown (2007) Communication skills (Essence of Care benchmark). Nursing December 2007. 12. Unknown 15. Whitehead. E.M.,Mason ,T., Bryan ,A., and Macintosh ,A.(2008) Key Concepts in Nursing. Sage Publication. 18 May 2008.Page 63