Empathy is fundamental in good communication, but is often confused with sympathy (Winnett, 2011). The Oxford Mini-dictionary for Nurses (2008, p. 208) describes empathy as an ability to understand the thoughts and emotions of another person. Empathy is non-judgemental and is void of all personal values (Aragno, 2008, p. 715). Listening to the patient is as much about communication (Dwyer, 2010a) and empathy, as is verbally communicating with the patient. The ability to listen empathetically is using the skills to pay attention to what the patient is saying, both verbally and non-verbally (Candlin, 2008, p. 91), and to understand their thoughts and feelings behind the message they are presenting to the receiver (Aragno, 2008, p. 714). Nurse Gwen used these skills by being empathetic to what Mrs Smith was saying and confirming that she was listening to her by commenting, “Mrs Smith, I can tell how anxious you are”. This statement made Mrs Smith feel as if she was heard and showed that Nurse Gwen understood the thoughts and emotions Mrs Smith was feeling. While listening with an empathetic ear is an important aspect
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