This essay is a reflective account on my experience within the introductory period of my practice when caring for a patient. The essay will give the definition of reflection. This reflective essay will help me demonstrate how my experience in practice has helped me achieve one of the learning outcomes in my learning plan, (appendix 1). Driscoll (2000) will be used as a reflective model. The essay will explore what (description of events) so what (analysis) and now what (action plan). This essay is going to reflect on the importance of good communication with patients.
Names in this essay have been changed, to respect the confidentiality of the patient and other healthcare professionals (NMC 2008). Reflection is ‘reviewing experience from practice so that it may be described, analysed, evaluated and consequently used to inform and change future practice’ (Bulman and Schutz, 2008: page 6).
I was placed in an acute admissions ward at a Mental hospital. The ward is an admission ward for assessment and it admits all patients between 16-65 years for psychiatric treatment.
What happened was one morning in this ward a male patient, Joe was brought in by the police, detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act 1983. I was assigned to admit the patient; NMC 2010a states that it is a requirement of nurses to have up-to-date and accurate records of patients. When my mentor Sarah, asked me to admit the patient, I agreed to do the admission process even though I felt I was not confident to do it, I had only observed Sarah admit a patient once. I felt I would be deemed incompetent if I turned down the opportunity to admit this patient even though I was not really confident in doing so I did not want to allow anything to work against me on this placement. I went to Joe and attempted to inform him that I was to take him through the admission process as well as to check his baseline observations. He looked at me and as if taking no
References: Bulman, C. and Schutz, S. (2008) Reflective Practice in Nursing. 4th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Casey A and Wallis A~(2011) Effective communication : Principle of nursing practice. Nursing standard 25, 32,, 35-37. date of acceptance February 8/2011 Chapman, Kimberly B Delvaux, N. et al. (2004) Effects of a 105 hours psychological training program on attitudes, communication skills and occupational stress in oncology. Br J Cancer, 90, 106-114 Driscoll J (2000) Practising Clinical Supervision Driscoll J and Teh B (2001). The potential of reflective practice to develop individual orthopaedic nurse practitioners and their practice Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing, 5, 95-103 Dougherty, L Fellowes, D., Wilkinson, S. & Moore, P. (2004) Communication skills for health care professionals working with patients, their families and carers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2 CD003751. Hargie, O & Dickson, D. (2004) skilled interpersonal Communication: Research Theory and Practice, 4th edn. Routledge, London. Nursing and Midwifery Council, (2008) The NMC code of professional conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Rogers (1967) ‘The interpersonal relationship in the facilitation of learning’ reprinted in H. Kirschenbaum and V. L. Henderson (eds.) (1990) The Carl Rogers Reader, London: Constable, pages 304-311. Sully P and Dallas J (2010), Essential Communication Skills for Nursing and Midwifery Elsevier Mosby, London.