The aim of this essay is to reflect and evaluate my experience whilst on my third year first placement in a nursing home for people with profound and severe learning disabilities. This reflective commentary will describe briefly about my placement setting and also about the nature of the service they provide to the service users and how I have participated in handover during placement. Finally it will underline the feedback from my mentor and the staff, actions taken to improve on my learning and a conclusion will be drawn.
Reflection is a process of learning that require the ability to reflect or think about what you have done, how you did it and how you could do it better …show more content…
The placement is a ten bedded unit for people with severe and profound learning disabilities and also a respite home for people with learning disabilities between the age ranges of 18 to 60. In addition, the clients in the home are dependent, they cannot do things on their own and also suffer from other illness and due to this they require full support with most aspect of their daily living such as personal care and social activities (Roper et al, 2000). After my induction, I was given client’s folders and care plans to read, with this I was able to identify their needs and was able to support the clients.
After the induction, myself and my mentor discussed about my learning outcomes and I took six learning outcomes that were relevant to my placement setting. I emphasised to my mentor that I would like to develop my management skills because module 8 is about managing Learning disability nursing …show more content…
Nursing Times. 99 (9), p.54-55.
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