When bullying is alleged or suspected we must consider how to approach and deal with those who are affected by the issue; this includes the bully, the family of both parties and the victim especially. How to support the victim
If you suspect any bullying to be occurring, you must attempt to get the child to open up and talk to you. As a professional you could promptly ask the child sentences such as "is everything feeling okay? You look quite upset this morning", if you directly start the conversation by asking the child are they being bullied they might tend to not tell you as they may feel threatened or scared.
As the child …show more content…
In some situations it is notable to ask the bully their side of the story as it could be a misunderstanding or if the child is young they may not know the actual bullies name.
However if the child is absolutely certain they know who the bully is then you must assure that you follow the schools bullying protocols on how to handle bullying situation with consideration of the severity of the bullying. when punishing the children for their inappropriate behavior you must use negative reinforcements such as no play to assure that children understand that the behavior will not be tolerated within the school. All children must be aware that bullying is not tolerable and there are and the punishments for it.
In some cases a child can be seen to be the victim, this sounds bizarre to begin with; however, some see that bullying is used as a defense mechanism the person has created in order to hide their insecurities. Bullies also may do this to get others attention as there may be problems or abuse that is occurring at home (this may include possible sexual abuse) this can be useful to know on times. Although we must not think that this is occurring to every child that is a