Sharing information is the solution to improve the beneficial outcomes for all children. Safeguarding children is essential to facilitate early intervention and preventative work. The professionals working with children must know and understand what to do and the most effective ways of sharing information about child or young adult who are at risk of abuse or neglect.
In some cases, sharing information with a family about the child could seem a good practice, but it is not crucial for e.g. evidence of abuse or neglect could be destroyed or removed by a parent / carer or where a child could be placed at higher risk when parents/carers have this knowledge. Any paperwork with in children’s details on is kept away from other parents/carer and but only used when needed, information cannot be passed to other children and also the details cannot be given out. The letters are often sent out to make sure that all details are up to date. …show more content…
A key factor in many of the serious cases reviews has been a failure to record information, to share it or to understand its significance and an appropriate action is taken.
At St Stephen’s Primary School, it collects and uses personal information of the staff, children, parents and other individuals who come into contact with the school. All the information is gathered in order to enable to provide education and other associated tasks. In addition, a legal requirement is to collect and use of the information to ensure that the school complies with its statutory obligations.
All staff involved with the processing, collecting and disclosure of personal data will be aware of their duties and responsibilities by adhering to these guidelines.
Data Protection Principles
The Data Protection Act 1998 will establish eight enforceable principles that must be adhered to at all