As a teaching assistant you must recognise your own mistakes and be able to own up to them you must seek help if you are not sure how to do something, so that you can learn and the mistake is not repeated the children need a good role model to be able to feel comfortable in owning up to their mistakes.
A teaching assistant should possess the qualities of punctuality and good time management making sure that you come to work on time that you get to lessons on time and also if you have planning to do or getting resources and equipment ready this is all done on time to meet your deadlines. Seeing the positive and good in children and recognising it is another quality that you must possess celebrate children’s achievements however great or small rewards should be given don’t dwell on negativity
A teaching assistant must be able to share values and celebrate people from different backgrounds religion race and people who have disabilities. Some people may have English as a second language they may also have different customs and beliefs everyone should be treated fairly. This will help children to learn and understand .Celebrate and join in in the different ways people dress and try and learn different words and new phrases from someone else’s country be proud of who you are …show more content…
. A teaching assistant you must be able to share problems and not let them escalate you must be professional and not let your own personal judgement cloud your professional work. Make sure that there is regular contact with one another this will cut down conflict and disagreement it will also give you the chance to get to know people better. Make sure that you get the appropriate feedback that is needed; always engage with the person that you are talking too making sure that you have good body language, always listen and give the person time to understand and to give their answer they may not always understand and may need a little time be patient .Interpret what people are saying reading the signs eye contact and voice tone.
When there is an incident with a pupil or another member of staff you must remember that it is what they did or the behaviour at that moment in time that you did not like not the person you must remember that everyone’s integrity needs to be left intact so that the adult child and young person can still have that valuable working relationship so all concerned can move forward.
In addition to the job role the teaching assistant is responsible for helping children develop relationships with their peers and other significant adults, the children are all brought up in different environments and in the way that they see others it can sometimes affect their behaviour sometimes they may think that the way that others behave is acceptable when it is not .We need to be good role models so that the children can aspire .
Being an adult we need to set boundaries and limits ,certain actions and behaviours in school will have consequences attached to them .For the boundaries and limits to be affective everyone must know what they are and agree to abide by regularly . Schools often have a home school agreement in place this will outline what each party will do for example parents will make sure children attend school regularly punctually and properly equipped that parents will inform school about any absences and that parents will support the schools policies and guide lines and will attend thins like parents evenings and keep their children from destroying and defacing school property .Schools will keep children safe and happy help your child achieve their full potential build good strong bonds and relationships and to keep parents regularly informed in general school matters .These are just a few of the things that could be in place .when developing relationships every child and young person needs to be praised they also need to feel safe and secure
they need to be encouraged there must also be good strong communication you must interact and definitely have good interaction skills, they must be made to feel accepted and every child needs to feel love liked and valued .Children and young people must be able to be helped in recognising and dealing with their own feelings British culture seems to deem that you don’t show your feelings, but babies openly show feelings they are too young to know that we don’t show feeling or emotion. Young people and children need to know not to forget their own feelings and emotional needs knowing that it is ok to feel a wide range of emotions and to express the stronger ones like love, anger but they must be taught to openly express these in a positive manner .