Sources of information:-
• The Teaching Assistants Handbook by Teena Kamen
The National Curriculum sets out the statutory requirements for the knowledge and skills that every child is expected to learn in school. Its sets out standards used to measure the performance and progress of pupils. A teaching assistant will be required to help the teacher plan and implement learning activities that meet the individual learning needs of pupils.
To function effectively it is necessary to be clear about your role as a teaching assistant. In order to provide effective support you need to know the school and teacher
expectations, understand the curriculum and how the learning objective and activities support this, so that you know what is expected at different stages of the curriculum and are able to implement ideas and resources accordingly. Direction can be taken from your job description and the teacher you are working with.
As a teaching assistant you can support the implementation of the curriculum by planning and preparing alongside the teacher, offering or expanding on ideas to structured learning activities proposed. The teacher will explain the desired outcome for an activity and the teaching assistant will support the pupils with the activity as planned.
As directed by the teacher you will deliver the learning activity, ensuring you have prepared the learning environment with the required resources. It is important to observe the pupils and assess how they are dealing with the activity to ensure that the aims or learning outcomes have been met.
The evaluation of the activity will enable you to provide detailed and regular feed back to the teacher and allows the teacher to plan what activity to do next. During feedback you are able to share knowledge and ideas on developing, adapting or modifying the activity to meet individual learning needs.
It is a continuous cycle of identifying learning needs, planning to include those pupils with special needs, implementing learning activity, observing and evaluating the outcomes and identifying future learning needs.