Teaching Assistants (TA’s) and Learning Support Assistants (LSA's) can be engaged in a range of educational settings including both primary and secondary schools. In this assignment I will identify and explain the main role of a TA and LSA within each educational setting.
As a TA/LSA working in a primary school environment you would support the teacher with their everyday work in the classroom. The role of a TA/LSA is varied and may include tasks such as listening to children read, reading to them, getting the class ready for the day ahead and being another point of contact for parents. You would support the children, helping them to settle, develop and progress through the primary setting and may also support with the transition of moving up to the next point in education. You may also be required to support children with special individual needs offering extra support and encouragement. This may be done on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. On occasions a TA/LSA may also be required to supervise the class if the teacher is absent for a short period of time.
As a TA/LSA working in a secondary school environment you will generally support children on more of a one-to-one basis, assisting throughout the day and supporting in all classes. This may require the TA/LSA to have specialist subject knowledge. As children in the secondary setting are much older and more aware of the attitudes and opinions of others around them the need for discretion is vital to ensure the child feels comfortable. A TA/LSA will need to engage with the child and build a strong relationship to ensure there is effective communication. The secondary setting may also require the TA/LSA to provide additional support to enable pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties to reach their full potential within the setting. You may be