How is it implemented?
Administering of medicine
The policy states that they as a school they do not administer medication to children as most medicines are 3 times a day and it possible administer this without the schools help. However if it is required then parents/carers must complete a permission slip for this to happen. All medication is kept in the school office. Treatments for something life threatening such anaphylactic shock, parent must have completed a consent form to allow a named and trained member of staff to administer should it be necessary. There is a school medical register and a copy of this is in all classrooms.
Accident reporting
The policy defines that all accidents must be reported to the headteacher and also to the health ans safety co-ordinator. Any accident must also be written in the accident book which is in line with a council policy. It states that the accident must report the following detail name and address of injured person time, date and place the accident occurred what happened what injury it was treatment given any witness information and finally any other information that is relevant
If the child involved has had a bump to the head, a letter is sent home that day and the child would have a red dot sticker on their collar to alert the parent/carer.
Chemical safety
The most hazardous chemicals found in school are used by the caretaker. These are kept in a locked cupboard and only a small quantity is kept in school. They must always be in the original bottle and never in food or drinks containers. Chemical data sheets for such substances are kept in the office and offer advice on protection needed for using each chemical and the procedure for accidents with chemicals or in case of fire.
Conduct and behaviour around school
Children are made fully aware of how they should behave in and around the school through the use of school and also classroom rules. Any behaviour that is unacceptable is dealt with according to the