This a comprehensive evaluation of organizations and the report details issues that affect the web analytics industry. Over 900 digital professionals were surveyed. The report found that more companies in comparison to previous years are looking to grow their in house web analytics team. 50% of businesses surveyed were looking increase spending in that area over the next year. While companies may be looking to increase spending, it may not always be feasible. The book “Web Analytics Demystfified” argued that the 10/90 rule is somewhat unrealistic. Also stating, the 10/90 rule depends on the type of organization, and presents the appearance of a silver bullet. The writer Eric T. Person states while over the long term the majority of expenses will be spent on staffing, specialized skills do not come cheap. Finding analysts that can comprehend an organization’s data, judge its reliability and can harness the data to help achieves business objectives is not easy. Perhaps most importantly web analytics personnel must be able to communicate those insights to other departments. Eric T. Person’s strategy states the tools and people are equally important and should be budgeted as such. The further the budgets for personnel and tools are from one another, the harder time a company has with analytics. I am more inclined to agree the approach of Avinash Kaushik. It has a start small logic and more robust foundation that can be applied to any type of organization. Cost savings are a major competitive advantage. I’m hoping that all companies Person interviewed at least attempted to gain knowledge from the free tools before moving to a more expensive web analytics
This a comprehensive evaluation of organizations and the report details issues that affect the web analytics industry. Over 900 digital professionals were surveyed. The report found that more companies in comparison to previous years are looking to grow their in house web analytics team. 50% of businesses surveyed were looking increase spending in that area over the next year. While companies may be looking to increase spending, it may not always be feasible. The book “Web Analytics Demystfified” argued that the 10/90 rule is somewhat unrealistic. Also stating, the 10/90 rule depends on the type of organization, and presents the appearance of a silver bullet. The writer Eric T. Person states while over the long term the majority of expenses will be spent on staffing, specialized skills do not come cheap. Finding analysts that can comprehend an organization’s data, judge its reliability and can harness the data to help achieves business objectives is not easy. Perhaps most importantly web analytics personnel must be able to communicate those insights to other departments. Eric T. Person’s strategy states the tools and people are equally important and should be budgeted as such. The further the budgets for personnel and tools are from one another, the harder time a company has with analytics. I am more inclined to agree the approach of Avinash Kaushik. It has a start small logic and more robust foundation that can be applied to any type of organization. Cost savings are a major competitive advantage. I’m hoping that all companies Person interviewed at least attempted to gain knowledge from the free tools before moving to a more expensive web analytics