May 24, 2014
Data Mining and Actionable Information People need information for planning their work, meet deadlines, and achieve their goals. They also need information to analyze problems and make important decisions. Data is most definitely not in short supply these days, but not all data is useful or reliable. Actionable information offers data that can be used to make effective and specific business decisions (Soatto, 2009). In order for information to be actionable, all research must be accurate, consistent and comprehensive. Examples of actionable information include trend charts, Intelligent Maps (GIS) and Location Intelligence tools. Although a prime example of where actionable information can be useful is in an employee report card, which can assess turnover rates and reasons for leaving to be used by managers. It is well documented the value of the web for finding information on businesses, governments, and economics—just about any type of information that 's useful for our research. Many Big Data projects focus on this type of information, attempting to gain unique insights and actionable strategies from big picture perspectives that escape the notice of individual searchers who are limited in the amounts of information they can process. Many firms are mining sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and others to glean insights into the needs and want of the users who are generating content on their sites (Epstein, 2010). And they 're also observing the behavior of users as they interact with this content and with other users to leverage this knowledge to better-target marketing and sales campaigns. The risk of acting without actionable information is that it leaves decision-makers with only speculation. Therefore, they do not have necessarily accurate information on the greatest risks of a decision, nor do they have adequate research on threat
References: Burby, J., & Atchison, S. (2007). Actionable web analytics: Using data to make smart business decisions. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub. Epstein, I. (2010). Clinical data-mining: Integrating practice and research. New York: Oxford University Press Soatto, S. (2009). Actionable Information in Vision. Retrieved from The National Vaccine Advisory Committee Teleconference Meeting: 2009 H1N1 Influenza Outbreak and Response, DHHS, Meeting Minutes, July 27, 2009,