Specific Purpose Statement: At the end of my speech, the audience will realize the importance of getting a flu shot.
I Introduction
A. 3000-49000 is the number of people per year that have died over the past 30 years from influenza according to the CDC. It started out low but keeps increasing in numbers each year. The percentage of U.S. population that gets the flu each year is on average around 20%. Over 200,000 people are hospitalized each year due to the flu. In 2009, influenza was the eighth leading cause of death for men in the U.S. During 2009 and 2010 the H1N1 or swine flu caused the first flu pandemic in 40 years causing 12,000 deaths according to Webmd.
B. Many people think that flu shots are not important each year but what they don’t know is that the number of deaths each year from influenza keep rising. You may think that …show more content…
you don’t need the shot now but very soon it could be one of your family members dying from the flu.
C. After looking at research from the CDC and Webmd about the flu, I have gathered statistics and other information that is extremely relevant for getting the flu shot.
D. The flu is a virus that kills thousands of people each year that many people don’t take serious. We all need flu shots to protect ourselves from the flu and maybe even death.
E. Today I am going to tell you about two things. 1. How influenza is a problem and 2. How to solve this problem.
II Body
A. The problem today is that many people don’t take influenza seriously and choose not to get the flu shot each year.
1. Influenza is one of the leading cause of hospitalizations and deaths each year in the United States.
a.) The flu can infect the nose, throat, and lungs due to a respiratory illness that is caused by the influenza virus. It can affect anyone regardless of their age or health. It can lead to pneumonia, ear infection, and since infections if it is not treated. It has also been proven to worsen existing conditions such as diabetes and asthma.
b.) A lot of the symptoms are like a general cold in which a lot of people don’t bother to go to the hospital and get checked for. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuff nose, muscle and body aches, headaches, fatigue and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. According to Kidshealth, the flu can be in your system from one to seven days for adults and weeks for children without showing any symptoms but it can be spread from person to person from day one of being in your body. It is spread from person to person by contact with respiratory droplets according to the CDC. The droplets can be spread directly through body contact if you touch your mouth, nose or eyes afterwards. They can be spread through coughing or sneezing.
c.) There are many flu strands. The common one that most of you know about this the H1N1 flue or the swine flu. According to the CDC, there were around 61 million cases of swine flu in the world, 27,000 hospitalizations, and 13,000 deaths from it. According to Medical News Today, there was a bird flu, H7N9 that spread in China infecting 83 people and killing 17 earlier this year. According to the CDC Influenza A H3N2 is a strain that is growing in numbers over the years. 12 cases were in 2011, and 309 cases of it in 2012.
2. Getting a Flu shot to prevent the flu is very important because it causes a lot people to get sick and some deaths. It is important to get a flu shot each year because each year the flu strains keep mutating so scientist have to keep up with the newest strain and keep making flu shots to build up antibodies to it.
a. Influenza is a growing problem all over the world. Each year new strains are infecting people and some are worse than others. Some strains cause more hospitalization and deaths than other strains. Scientists keep fighting each year to keep up with each strain to protect people and their families.
b. On average it causes over 200,000 hospitalizations and causes more problems in people with preexisting health conditions. CDC studies have shown that the number of people who die from influenza increases each year. It started out around 3000 people per year 30 years ago and is now near 50,000 people per year. In 2009 it was the eight leading cause of death in mean.
c. According to the video “Should You Get the Flu Shot?” from Doctor Oz, doctors recommend that you get the flu shot because of all the different strains that are going around and mutating. Some flu shots are not effective because of this but in general the flu shot reduces the number of hospitalizations and deaths.
3. No matter your age and health, everyone is at risk for the flu.
a. According to the CDC some people are at more of a risk for the flu than others. These include older people, young children, pregnant women, and people with preexisting conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease. It also include people that like in places like nursing homes. Also according to the CDC children under 5 and people over 65 develop the flu more than people between the two groups.
USA Today tell us that a lot of children develop the flu regardless of preexisting conditions. They state that 47% of the children that die from the flu did not have preexisting conditions. They found that 830 kids died from influenza between 2004 and 2012 and most of them had not gotten a flu vaccine.
B. Even though influenza is a major problem in the world, it can be treated mostly by a simple flu shot each year.
1. A flu shot will help you fight off the influenza each year and even save your from going to the hospital and possibly even dying.
a. A flu shot is medicine that builds up antibodies in your system so that they will attach the virus if you come into contact with it. If you don’t have the antibodies then the virus will invade your body and replicate throughout it.
b. This can be implemented through a small injection of the medicine into the body each year.
2. A month or two before flu season starts in January, call up your physician and ask them about the flu shot. You can also go to a CVS pharmacy, Walgreens, and a rite aid.
a.) Get the Flu
i. Call up your physician or local pharmacy and set up an appointment ii. Go to the appointment and get your flu shot.
III Conclusion
A.) Today I have given you statistics about the flu and told you two main points about it. 1. How it is a problem and 2. How to solve the problem.
B.) Thousands of people are hospitalized each year and have died from influenza. The amount of people infected is rising each year because people think that they will not develop the flu.
C.) Don’t be one of the 50,000 people that die this year because of the flu. Flu season is approaching quickly so stop by the CVS pharmacy outside of Athens and set up your appointment to get a flu shot today!
Work Cited
Feature, S. (n.d.). Your Flu Vaccine Questions Answered. WebMD. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from http://www.webmd.com/vaccines/features/flu-vaccine-questions
Hellmich, N. (2013, September 28). Even healthy kids can die from flu complications. USA Today. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/10/28/kids-death-flu- complications/3179639/
Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine. (2013, November 7). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/keyfacts.htm
News Today. (2013, April 18). Bird Flu In China Spreading, 17 Dead. Medical News Today. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/259331.php