Although the modern day appropriation of The Shrew, 10 Things, follows the same storyline and plot, the social context completely contrasts with that of The Shrew. One aspect of where this put across is how men were considered to be superior to women in the Elizabethan Era, compared to the equal values of both men and women in the 20th century. These related to audiences of both centuries as society considered this to be the correct way of living. The quote made by Pertruchio towards Katherina, “Women are made to bear, and so are you.” (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 203) portrays how a woman must obey that of a man in the 17th century. In 20th century society, this would be unheard of. Also, the reasoning behind the popularity of both texts was that Shakespeare and Gil Junga chose to express their text in the most popular form of entertainment of their time. Playwrights were considered to be the favourited form of entertainment of the 17th century and film was that of the 20th century.
The language used from both texts reflects and appeal to the audiences of the different time periods. Shakespeare uses quite poetic and refined language to gain