Ebby T., who was a friend of Bill W. and it was he who suggested the was out of his addiction was through spirituality (Alcoholics Anonymous, 2001). So, it appears to me the idea of a higher power and the steps came originally from the Oxford Group. The first three steps are about admitting one is powerless to control alcohol and that to achieve sobriety one must believe or come to believe that a higher power and turn one’s will over to it. Within steps four, five and six the individual is asked to examine their own areas of wrong doing, make amends and be prepared for God to dismiss and clear away all of these flawed personality traits. In the next steps the individual has to ask God to bring about change in attitude, list all the people they have ever harmed or wronged then make a straightforward, sincere apology to them. The steps ten, eleven and twelve are continuation of taking inventory of self, pursue a cognizant connection with God, as the individual interprets God and go out into the world a transformed person practicing all 12 steps in all things. Within all the first steps a higher power is utilized. The tradition is to surrender to God as they understand him (AAWS, Inc. 2013). They state that many individuals who give AA a try come to a conversion of spirit and whole heartedly give into the higher power or God. However, it could be a problem for those who do not feel they can go against their beliefs to proceed through the steps of AA. Research suggests that spirituality can be considered as peace, serenity and harmony thereby enabling any individual regardless of their beliefs to utilize the AA program and steps (Drobin, F. (2014). Drobin (2014) suggest for individuals to focus on their morning and evening prayers on the space inside there chest just to the left of the sternum. She feels this could be a way to train one to learn how to pray and indicates it is not necessary to focus on a deity or image. References
Alcoholics Anonymous (2001). Alcoholics anonymous, 4th ed. New York City, NY: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Alcoholics Anonymous (2017). A.A. timeline. Retrieved from https://www.aa.org/pages/en_ US/aa-timeline
Alcoholics Anonymous (2013). Twelve steps and twelve traditions. New York, NY: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Drobin, F. (2014). Recovery, spirituality and psychotherapy. Journal of Religion & Health,
53(3), 789-795. doi:10.1007/s10943-013-9800-4