Note: (1) The attention of students is drawn to: the Academic Regulations, the Academic Honesty Policy and the Assessment Policy, all of which are accessible via
(2) A de-identified copy of your assignment may be retained for University quality (audit) processes, benchmarking or moderation.
Student ID Number/s:
Student Surname/s:
Given name/s:
Course: Bachelor of Nursing
School: Health science
Unit code: HLSC122
Unit title: Inquiry in Health Care
Due date: 30/3/14
Date submitted: 30/3/14
Lecturer-in-Charge: Dr Joe Perry
Tutorial Group/Tutor: Jacqueline Randle
Assignment Title and/or number: Assignment 1
By submitting this assignment for assessment, I acknowledge and agree that:
1. this assignment is submitted in accordance with the University’s Academic Regulations, Assessment Policy and Academic Honesty Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism) and the penalties attached to being found guilty of committing such offences.
2. no part of this assignment has been copied from any other source without acknowledgement of the source.
3. no part of this assignment has been written by any other person, except to the extent of collaboration and/or group work as defined in the unit outline.
4. this assignment has not been recycled, using work substantially the same as work I have completed previously and which has been counted towards satisfactory completion of another unit of study or credited towards another qualification, unless the Lecturer in Charge has granted prior written consent to do so.
5. a copy of the original assignment is retained by me and that I may be required to submit the original assignment to the Lecturer in Charge upon request.
6. the Lecturer-in-Charge may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment:
6.1. reproduce this assignment;
6.2. authorise the reproduction of this assignment;
References: Allen, G. (2010). Hand Hygiene and the Surgical Team. Perioperative Nursing Clinics. 5(4), 411-418 Beggs, C. (2006). The influence of nurse cohorting on hand hygiene effectiveness. American journal of infection control. 34(10), 621-626. Ferguson, L. (2007). Challenges for new nurses in evidence-based practice. Journal of nursing management. 15(1), 107-113. Herson, M & Sturmey, P. (2012). Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology, Adult Disorders. Retrieved from McKenna, H. (2004). Barriers to evidence-based practice in primary care. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. 45(2), 178-89. Stevens, K. (2013). The impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Big Ideas. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 18(2), Manuscript 4. doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No02Man04 Tollefson, J. (2010). Clinical Psychomotor Skills: Assessment Tools for Nursing Students (4th ed.). South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learning Australia.