The new england colonies included Massachusetts Bay Colony, Founded by John Winthrop and William Bradford, New Hampshire colony founded by John Wheelright, Rhode Island colony founded by Roger Williams, Connecticut colony founded by Thomas Hooker.The new england colonies were founded as havens for various religious groups, including Puritans, Separatists, and Quakers. The colonists here made there living by fishing, and focused on manufgactuering and building ships and the export of rum. the settlements were centered around an open area called a common. buildings were focused around the comon and each home had a small plot of land. they kind of labor used in the new england colonies was free labor" or "indentured labor".the geography of this area was rocky and unfertile, there was a short growing season but there were forest which were used to build ships.
The middle colonies included New York colony …show more content…
another similarity is the way all the colonies would emulate british society in that the rich were on top and the poor werent. Additionally the schooling was the same in the new england and middle colonies they would have schools which were sponsered by many religious dominions not just one. They focused alot on practical education and many of the people wanted there kids to be able to read the bible. the Southern states on the other hand did not have a tradition of public education to build on, as the North did and most kids would just learn from home and in some cases attendded platation