US History 1
Mr. Iorio
Per. ½
The 13 American English Colonies Research Essay
The 13 colonies have had their similarities and differences but they were not all formed the same. Since the colonies were not formed for all the same reasons, they were diverse and different from each other. Each colony had their own signature product or material which they would be known for.
Even though the 13 original American colonies all belonged to England, there was much diversity between them because differences existed in the reasons formed, their bases of economies, and the role played by religions. Excellent introduction.
All the colonies were formed for several reasons. Some colonies were formed for religious freedoms, and others were formed for economic reasons. Certain colonies formed for trade, or trading …show more content…
posts, and land wealth (Cayton 1). Countries would send men to find new lands that would bring them money and land. Other colonies formed for an escape from religious persecution and indifferences.
(Cayton 1). Some countries would not allow Quakers and other religious figures to settle in England so they would find a new place to settle.
Just a few colonies were formed as a refuge for Quakers who were not allowed in England. (Cayton 1). Even though the colonies reasons formed were important, so was their bases of economy.
The colonies had many types of economies that they lived off of. Since the basis for economies were created and performed differently, the colonies differed from each other. The many ways that the colonies differed were that the things they might have traded were not the same. Some things colonies traded were fish, rum, lumber etc. (Cayton 1). While others traded furs and valuable metals. Some other bases of the different economies included shipbuilding, textiles, mills and furnaces, and whaling
(Kross 94). Again here you should note that the formatting of the page numbers is incorrect.
1 Their economies are what got the colonies going and kept them sustained and up and running. A few colonies relied on tobacco to trade with so that they could make money (Cayton 1). Even though the bases of economies were very important and critical, so was their roles that religion played. This last sentence lacks clarity. 2
Religion played a big role in some of the colonies. Many colonies would have have been …show more content…
even formed if it was not for the religious differences. Many religious domains were not allowed to practice their beliefs over in England so they had to move.
Colonies were formed because of this. Colonies such as Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Connecticut were formed for religious freedom (Cayton 1). Many explorers came to North America in search of religious freedom. America’s first explorers came to the New World in search of religious freedoms. (Slavicek
10). Once colonies were formed in the New World that accepted different religions, people became happy and were not afraid that they would be killed for speaking about their beliefs. In Virginia, all households were taxed to support the Anglican church, the “ Church of England” You did not have a space between the ending of the sentence and the beginning of the pc 1 (Slavicek 1011). The formatting for your pc is incorrect within your paper. You must remain consistent in the formatting you cannot format Slavicek 10 and then in the next pc format it Slavicek 1011. If
you used Son of Citation it would not give you two forms for the same pc. 3 Religious people nowadays can thank early explorers for starting colonies just for religion, or else who knows if we would be able to praise our faiths freely or not.
Too much space here formatting error 2
In conclusion, for a variety of reasons, the colonies were different from one another though they were all made up of people who came from England. Regional differences affected the economies of the different colonies such as whaling in the northeast, and cotton growing in the south. There were also different religious practices in the regions such as Puritans and Quakers in the northeast, and Anglicans in the south. In summary, the diversity between the 13 original American Colonies reflected their reasons formed, their bases of economy, and the role their religion played.
The term Works Cited should be centered and should be at the top of the page. 1
You were given in excess of 5 sources. You relied heavily on Cayton throughout the
beginning of your essay and then just cited two other sources. You were able to get that much information from Cayton from 1 page of information?
Work Cited:
Cayton, Andrew. "America, Pathways to the Present ." Prentice Hall. n.d. 1. Print.
Slavicek, Louise. "Religious Freedom in Colonial America." Cobblestone. Jan 2000: 1013. Print.
Kross, Jessica. "American Eras, The Colonial Era." 9396,119. Gale. Web. 20 Feb 2014.