Instructions: For this assignment, you are going to created an abstract class and then extend it.
1. Create a folder called 15.01 Assignment in your module 15 assignments folder.
2. Create an abstract class called Homework.
a. Homework will need an instance variable pagesRead and methods to get and set the number of pages to Read. pagesRead should be of type int.
b. Homework will also need an instance variable typeHomework and a method to get and set the type of Homework. typeHomework should be of String type.
c. Homework will also need an abstract method createAssignment(), which has parameters int p. Its return type should be void.
d. You will not have to add any other additional instance variables or methods, but you will have to set up the constructor to provide pagesRead with default value of 0 and typeHomework with default value of "none." It should take no arguments. e. Save the class as
3. You are to create a class called MyMath that extends class Homework.
a. MyMath's constructor will just call Homework's constructor and again have no arguments. b. MyMath should implement the createAssignment method by setting the pages read using parameter p, and then set the type of Homework to "Math."
c. Include a toString() method that lists the type of Homework and the pages that have to be read for Homework.
d. Save the class as
4. You are to create a class called MyScience that extends class Homework.
a. MyScience's constructor will just call Homework's constructor and again have no arguments.
b. MyScience should implement the createAssignment method by setting the pages read using parameter p, and then set the type of Homework to
c. Include a toString() method that lists the type of Homework and the pages that have to be read for Homework.
d. Save the class as
5. You are to create a class called MyEnglish that extends class Homework.
a. MyEnglish's constructor will just call