16- year- old teenagers' brains are not fully developed. According to researchers, at the National Institute of Health: "The wink-link: what's called "the executive branch" of the teen brain- the part that weighs risks, make judgements and controls impulsive behavior"(Davis 247). The research showed 16- year- olds brains are underdeveloped. 16- year- old's need more development to have better judgement and control when driving. Teens should develop more of their brain before obtaining their license. In …show more content…
Older teens are more experienced and mature than 16- year- old's. Brain researchers have found, "17-or-18- year- old drivers are considered safer than a new 16- year- old driver"(Davis 249). This quote shows that drivers education isn't the only thing really needed but maturity is. Being mature keeps you calm and helps you decide what to do on the road.
While there may not be a single perfect solution raising the driving age will benefit in safer driving. The drivers age should be raised in Washington State. 16- year- old's brains are not fully developed. Also 16- year- old teens are inexperienced since their new drivers. Older teens are more experienced then 16- year- old's. 16- year- old teens should get more experience and should mature a little more. Also practice teens should be alittle more mature before they turn 17 and are able to get their