Turning the age of sixteen is a huge step in the life of a teen. When becoming the age of sixteen a new challenge is brought into a person's life, the task of driving a car. But are sixteen year olds ready for this task. Driving a car is a task that should only be taken on by teenagers over the age of eighteen, because they are more responsible and understand the risk involved. Sixteen-year-olds brains are underdeveloped and most of the driving they do is unnecessary. I don't think the driving age should change. Its worked for so long, why change it now?
In today's society the idea of sixteen and seventeen year olds operating cars has become a way of life. But if one stops to think about it, there is no need for these drivers to be on the road. Most of these drivers still live at home and have no job because they're still in school. So they have no job to drive to or from. To go to school they can take the bus or be dropped off by their parents. I know there's so many times when I want to drive somewhere because my parents aren't home or I just want to be by myself outside of the house. I'm sure a lot of teenagers that are younger than sixteen can't wait to be able to get on the road. Maybe they aren't responsible enough, but then they shouldn't be driving.
Another problem with these drivers is they are very irresponsible and put other drivers in danger on the road. Recent statistics show that most drivers who are caught speeding or involved in automobile accidents are under the age of eighteen. This is because the drivers have no responsibility and cannot handle the task of driving a car. In Georgia congress members have noticed this problem and are working on an amendment that would raise the driving age to eighteen. By raising the driving age to eighteen it would give these teens more time to mature before getting behind the wheel.