Even though 16-17 year old drivers have fallen , deadly accidents among 18 to 19 year olds have risen by an almost equal amount according to the experts.
In the article ‘Should the driving age be raised” by Shari Roan she mentions in her article that the rate of 16 year olds licensed to drive unsupervised fell from 24% in 1997 to 14% in 2007. As that result their is more novices on the roads at ages 18 and 19 mentions Scott V. Masten Accidents will happen we can’t avoid that role play in life even if we are super careful it will get us. There's a difference between Accidents and teens driving out with friends trying be cool by going fast ,those teens are the type of teens that need to be stopped and the police should be strict on.If it's not the person driving it , it's the person driving the other car. They cause danger to their lives and and to other people. Police should be strict on people who don’t have a license. Should even suspend them from getting a license till further notice or is cleared at a
From my perspective , the driving age should not be raised. It should be not raised and the laws for driving around with a permit should by be far stricter. First of all parents , guardians need their kids to drive them around if they might have some type of disability or medical condition. Driving to school , or driving to work or a hospital should not be taken away from 16-17 year olds, They’re families who need any help possible from their kids to earn money for example if the parents work and can’t manage to take their kid to school or if they're forced to work should be excusable if they are driving around and not driving reckless and the street.I mean driving in the street has its goods and bad effects to it. It even happens to older people when they get in a car accident not just teens i mean teens are most likely now because maybe the police isn’t being strict on them being able to drive freely with just a permit? I’m 18 and my parents are really strict about me going out driving alone , i only get to drive if it's from my relatives house back home or friends depending on the situation but I’m not 100% i need to drive type of person i can really care less honestly adds another day of life. Im better off biking to where ever i want to go, it's a good exercise and i enjoy just having that feeling of freedom and the wind hitting your face. Also driving is a big part of responsibility we have to overcome in our life. You’re never going to reach any place without driving. I mean cars ain’t free but you can drive a relatives somewhere.
Therefore i support that driving age should not be raised because it has good benefits to it and people will know their dangers of using a vehicle and that the police should be more strict about 16 or 17 driving by themselves or with other under age people.