The U.S. Congress passed two laws, in 1918 and 1922, but the Supreme Court declared both unconstitutional. In 1924, Congress proposed a constitutional amendment prohibiting child labor, but the states did not ratify it. Then, in 1938, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. It fixed minimum ages of 16 for work during school hours, 14 for certain jobs after school, and 18 for dangerous work. Today all the states and the U.S. government have laws regulating child labor. These laws have cured the worst evils of children working in factories. The laws that were passed down were very helpful for many children, it saved many …show more content…
Anthony: She was a leader in the abolitionist women's rights movement. Many men ( the republican men) disagreed for her or any other women to be able to vote in any election. The US Constitution clearly states “it’s we the people that formed the union” Susan B Anthony argued that women are as equal as men and so did the US Constitution. So why not treat women the same as men? Voting brings the people and the union together. It was formed for everyone to bring the blessings of liberty to every single person not half( only to the men and not to women) In 1918 President Wilson addresses the Senate about adopting woman suffrage at the end of World War I. In 1919 The Senate finally passes the Nineteenth Amendment and the ratification process begins. This was all of the effort that Susan B Anthony and the Women's Suffrage Rights had done and suffered to do in order for women all over the world to have in the