Academic freedom is an ideology of academic life in higher education that is commonly misunderstood by both faculty and students. It also paints a picture to faculty and staff of an opportunity to express ideas that are often controversial and/or disruptive. Though academic freedom can be negatively viewed, it affords faculty and students the protection and ‘freedom’ needed to be expressive in the classroom. (1915 Declaration, 2006). However, the principles listed in the 1915 Declaration of Principles on Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure and the 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, supports and protects faculty in higher education which comprises three elements that include: “freedom of inquiry and research; …show more content…
However, the principles outlined in the “1915 Declaration” and “1940 Statement” outlines the fundamental concepts of academic freedom based on American standards, and only applies to public colleges and universities (Franke, A.H. & Lee, B., n.d) . These key documents related to academic freedom are used as a primary resource for guidelines, policies, and important definitions applicable to various law cases. The United States Constitution prohibits infringing free speech on government officials, and it also covers those within public colleges and universities. Ironically, the U.S. Constitution does not cover academic freedom for faculty or learners; however, the Supreme Court recognizes the First Amendment’s protection of free speech as a governmental arm extended to academia. As such, the Supreme Court and lower courts continue to interpret the relationship …show more content…
When they speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that that public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence they should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraints, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the