Free speech zones are designated places for public expression of one’s ideas, beliefs, or convictions regarding politics, religion, etc. primarily on college and university campuses. While colleges and universities have selected to incorporate these specific areas on their campuses for many years, not everyone supports the idea of the free speech zones. However, free speech zones are advantageous for a college campus. One advantageous reason for having a free speech zone on a college campus is that it educates in a practical way an understanding of the free speech provision in the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution expresses that the United States Congress is prohibited from making laws infringing freedom of speech. While it is not the only place to express one’s freedom of speech, a free speech zone on a college campus provides a specific location for people to be able to express their opinions and religious beliefs without infringing on others rights not to listen. A free speech zone allows an area for expressed opinions to be heard by the students who wish to listen and it also allows for the student who does not want to …show more content…
Free speech zones protect students from outside harm. As college and universities establish free speech zones, they establish guidelines and regulations. For instance, a person not associated with the college or university, non-faculty member or non-student, would be allowed to interact in the free speech zone only, not throughout the campus without approval of the college or university. Through various guidelines and regulations of the free speech zone, the safety of the faculty and students could be a priority. Individuals or groups who pose a potential threat to the individuals on campus could be identified as a security issue and be