This site is located approximately 6 km N from the axis of the Nittany Valley Anticline, and 7 km NW of Site 6. The formation is a heavily jointed and steeply tilted sandstone from the Juniata Formation. Close up observations and measurements were not able to be taken due to the road-cut being in a precarious location. Measurements were taken on a preliminary trip to the location and were used for…
5th July 1918Dear Diary,The sound is horrific and the sights even more so. As the shells drop from the sky and blow the ground and troops to bits...which leave us with more soldiers to tend to and care for. The wounds some of these men have to endure are unimaginable and shouldnt be dealt upon any human.…
Bibliography or works cited (References Sheet) ● Lloyd Augustus Hall California State Polytechnic University, Pomo na. Brown, Mitchell. Lloyd Augustus Hall: Chemist and Inventor. Louisiana State University.…
The beginning of the poem starts out very depressing, the soldier talks as if they are old men on their death beds. ""Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge"(2), this line implies how miserable the soldier 's are, their sick, weak, and enduring unbearable conditions. They are walking toward their camp, which the poem tells us is quite a distance away. But they are so tired they are sleeping as they walk toward the camp. These men don 't even have sufficient clothing, some have lost their boots and most are covered in blood. "Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots / Of tried, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind"(6-7). This line tells us that these men are so exhausted they have become numb to the war and blood-shed around them. The soldier 's have become numb to the 5.9 inch caliber shells flying by their heads, the bombs bursting behind them, and their fallen comrades body 's lying next to them.…
The themes of these two poems relate to the effects war has on soldiers, whether they are friendly or enemy. “Whether as enemies they fought, or fought with us, or neither; the sand joins them together.” This quote from “Beach burial” shows how pointless war is, and how whether they fight with or against each other, they are equal. “Homecoming” broadcasts this idea through the entire poem, using a wide range of poetic techniques as a backbone.…
The trauma of what happened to Finny had taken a toll on him and made him feel he was dead. “I could not escape a feeling that this was my own funeral, and you do not cry in that case.”(Knowles 194). The following eight lines focus on how insignificant a soldier’s death is in relation to a war being won or lost. The last two lines of the first stanza center around how the war for the young men was fought in school rather than on the actual battlefield. “(When we left high school nothing else had died, For us to figure we had died like.)”. The same could be said for Gene and Finny and how they died before their actual battle started because of the heartbreaking events that took place before they could even put on a uniform. This relationship is demonstrated in the book when Gene says “because my war ended before I ever put on a uniform; I was on active duty all my time at school; I killed my enemy there”(Knowles…
In complete contrast with the reality of the poem’s setting, the touch of snow is equated with an image of lying under a blossom-laden tree in England. The home fires contain glowing coals described as ‘crusted dark-red jewels’, this actually signifies a dying fire, a symbol of people’s waning interest in the fate of the exposed soldiers. That the ‘doors are all closed: on us’ is also symbolic, representing the total loss of the memory of the men and that…
In another one of Barnstone's poems, a Japanese soldier explains the death of one of his comrades, Private K. The Private was shot in the thigh and although the rest of the soldiers were barely dragging on, Private K had a strong look in relation his comrades. When Private K could no longer walk, he was left behind, but the captain fearing that he would leak information sent the Japanese soldier back, ""You must go." I couldn’t bear/ It, but went, hoping that I'd find him dead./ He wept and smiled at me, "You kept your word!"/ Then I wept, too. And killed him with my sword."(61, Tongue of War) This poem, as well as others, show that although both the American and Japanese are at war, Barnstone shows how both sides are struggling with their own as well as the fight with their enemies. Earlier in the book, a poem from an American Marine stationed at Guadalcanal, shows how although he fights for America, he has to hold back due to his religion, "I ate the cheese, I ate horse cock/ (that's what we called cold cuts), same chow/ as all the men, avoiding talk/ of Jesus Christ. It's not like now. / In those days I could not admit/ to other folk I was a Jew."(43 T.O.W) The Marine goes on to explain how he huddled in the trenches like the rest of the soldiers, how he killed and just tried to live another day, yet he was still not accepted by his fellows and had to keep his identity a secret. In another poem, an African-American U.S Marine Corps Mess man, explains how he was not allowed to fight due to his race, "They made black soldiers into stevedores/ and cooks and servants since they were afraid/ of giving guns to men they wouldn’t let/ piss next to them,"(68 Tongue of War) and he goes on to say although he would cook for…
The Poem “1943” by Donald, Hall was a very good poem. When I looked at the title I thought the poem was going to be about WWII because the year 1943 was during the time of WWII. When I read the poem it was about a bunch of teenagers who are getting prepared for war and trained on how to act and be tough. This poem talks about how teen boys are getting taught in school and other places on how to be men in the army and go to war. It also talks about how they have to realize that war is bloody in brutal ,so they have to have tough skin if they want to make it into the military.…
In the second paragraph, the tone then switches into a depressing mode, that discusses the dead people from war. The narrator is humanizing the lost soldiers. He is trying to make the reader know and feel what it was like for all the civilians who lost a brother, dad, or son in war. John McCrae tells how the warriors had a good life and now they are dead, "We are the dead short days ago/We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow"(ll.6-7).…
This passage is very significant to the reality of the soldiers in the Vietnam War and brings to life the setting of the entire novel. The soldiers were primarily teenagers and young men in their early twenties who had not yet had the chance to experience life. They soon had found themselves in the midst of an intense war with nothing but uncertainty and fear. They hated it and they loved the fear and adrenaline that ran through their skin and bones. It was a crucial part of their young lives that changed the way they would see their own world. In this passage it shows how the characters perceived the war as their feelings changed everyday, every hour, and even every minute. A strong message is presented through this passage as it brings forth the true raw emotion of the soldiers and the reality of war; which is a major theme throughout the novel.…
Olds starts off the poem by saying: “That winter, the dead could not be buried.”’(1) This creates a sad tone for when the rest of the poem. She then talks about the atmosphere of the aftermath of the battle with words that help you create a very vivid picture in your head of what she is talking about. She says things like “the ground was frozen”(2), “sub-zero air”(5), “dark cloth” (6), and “their pale, gauze, tapered shapes”(9). To me, these descriptive words help me create a visual of what is written down because these words are sad and dark descriptive words.…
The poem quite clearly portrays the scene that a man has witnessed during the time of World War I (according to the history behind it). Within the text of the poem, there are significant lines, more specifically, words that alone can present to you the transition periods that the verses go through. For instance, the words ‘trudge’ or ‘limped’ are recognized as slow words, in the sense that the actions are generally seen as slow movements. No one necessarily trudges quickly it’s more likely to appear as if someone is lugging their own weight or that they have a certain demeanor that is provoking such action. The way that these words are used, reflects the entire…
The poem starts off with "Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us...". The assonantal "i" sounds in the words "brains", "merciless", "iced", "winds" and knive" evoke a hushing sound of the cold wind blowing around the trenches. Furthermore, these sounds are very sharp and knifing and could have a relation with the weather being sharper and more violent than the soldiers' weapons. It also conveys an image of water crystals freezing on the soldiers' beards. In the next line, the wind is again emphasized and shows in a wailing move with the alliterated "w" sounds; "Wearied we keep awake...". The third line of the first stanza has assonantal "o" sounds in the words "Low, drooping flares". This evokes an image of the wind moaning at the soldiers and trying to metaphorically scare them. Also, the "flares" make us think of the poem "Dulce Et Decorum Est" where the flares are also used to illustrate danger and uncertainty. In the penultimate line, the soldiers are "Worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous,...". The sibilant "s"…
The main subject of this poem was the speculation on whether African-American soldiers would be respected and appreciated for fighting in the war. The title of the poem refers to the day of victory for American soldiers in Europe. He conveys his desire to be acknowledged for his hard work and well earned efforts. The author also expressed his dissatisfaction and desire to be rid of the Jim Crow laws.…