The concept of Big Brother is always watching you is everywhere not only are you being watched by the party, but you are being watched by the people around you. The people of Oceania have to look and act a certain way, their individuality has been taken from them, you can’t trust anyone.You do no know who is against you and who is with you. Every citizen of Oceania has a telesccreen in their home except for the paroles (people who are not considered human). The paroles are the only people that don’t have telescreen’s in their homes, therefore they have more individuality than those in the party. “If there is any hope it relies on the paroles” this is a quote said by Winston. He is trying to say that all hope relies on the paroles because they have more freedom than the party members, therefore they can start a revolution. The party controls leisure activity’s so the party members are occupied at all times. They are not allowed to be alone just in case they are creating plans to overthrow Big Brother. This is the biggest method used to keep the people of Oceania from rebelling. They can’t rebel if they are never
The concept of Big Brother is always watching you is everywhere not only are you being watched by the party, but you are being watched by the people around you. The people of Oceania have to look and act a certain way, their individuality has been taken from them, you can’t trust anyone.You do no know who is against you and who is with you. Every citizen of Oceania has a telesccreen in their home except for the paroles (people who are not considered human). The paroles are the only people that don’t have telescreen’s in their homes, therefore they have more individuality than those in the party. “If there is any hope it relies on the paroles” this is a quote said by Winston. He is trying to say that all hope relies on the paroles because they have more freedom than the party members, therefore they can start a revolution. The party controls leisure activity’s so the party members are occupied at all times. They are not allowed to be alone just in case they are creating plans to overthrow Big Brother. This is the biggest method used to keep the people of Oceania from rebelling. They can’t rebel if they are never