Transportation: Carries oxygen to tissues, Carbon Dioxide from tissues, nutrients and waste products.
Regulation: circulates excess heat to body surfaces and lungs. PH is regulated through buffers and amino acids that it carries.
Protection: Circulates antibodies and defensive cells to combat infection and disease, also produces clots to prevent excessive loss of blood.
Functions of blood components
Plasma: Makes up about 55% of blood volume. Plasma contains proteins that help blood to clot, transport substances through the blood, and perform other functions. Blood plasma also contains glucose and other dissolved nutrients.
Erythrocytes: Contain hemoglobin, vital to the function of RBC, helps …show more content…
Blood types: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O-, O+ (Type O- is universal donor)
Erythroblastosis fetalis: Hemolytic disease of newborn. Rh- mother develops antibodies from Rh+ fetus (usually does not affect 1st born). Antibodies cause babies RBC’s to clump. Sx- edema, jaundice, enlarged liver and spleen. Condition rare today due to RHO Gam (shot given to mother- destroys Rh+ cells in the mother’s bloodstream.
Anemia: A deficit in number and % of RBC’s and HgB usually from blood loss or extreme erythrocyte destruction and malformation. It causes dyspnea, pallor, palpitation, fatigue, and hypotension.
Embolus: foreign substance travels through blood stream (air, clot, fat).
Thrombus: blood clot in blood vessel, usually caused by slow blood circulation, immobility, or changes in vessel walls.
Hematoma: localized clotted mass of blood usually from traumatic injury causing blood vessel to rupture.
Contusion: bruise-minor hematoma
Hemophilia: hereditary disease where the blood clots slowly or abnormally (they have little to no clotting factor), causing prolonged bleeding even with minor cuts and bumps. It occurs more often in males from female to their