Pupil Referral Units: An establishment maintained by a local authority which is specifically organised to provide education for …show more content…
Sections 2.2 (Finished)
Explain the roles of external professionals who may work with a school
External Professionals Roles, Responsibilities and impact on the work of schools
Educational Psychologist
• To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction Work with children and young people between the ages of 2-19 who have difficulties with learning and/or behaviour and mental health issues.
• Support schools in raising pupil achievement and promoting school effectiveness.
• Work with parents to help resolve their child’s difficulties at home and at school.
• Providing training for teachers, Learning Support Assistants and other staff on all aspects of child development.
• Undertake research to improve our knowledge of children’s difficulties with learning and/or behaviour and means of addressing them.
• Contribute to Statutory Procedures under the 1996 Education Act.
• Monitor progress of children with Statements of Special Educational Needs.
• Advise on SEN policy and