1.1. Identify the main types of state and independent schools: ----------------------------- P161
1.2. Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stages and school governance: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P168
1.3. Describe roles and responsibilities of: --------------------------------------------------------- P174
1.4. Describe the roles of external professionals who may work with a school: --------- P194
1.5a. Define the meaning of Aims: -------------------------------------------------------------------- P205
1.6b. Define the meaning of Values: ----------------------------------------------------------------- P206
1.1. Identify the main types of state and independent schools:
Over the past ten years there are an increase in the types of school that are offering education within England and Wales. The new association’s government is focusing to expand educational provision to further and ensure every child and young person to have a range of choice to enable them to access a school that will meet their individual needs.
Between the ages of five to sixteen every child and young person in England and Wales are entitled to a free place at a state school. Approximately ninety three per cent of children are educated in state-maintained schools; the majority are referred to as mainstream or ordinary schools. Mainstream schools are all funded by the local authorities, follow the national curriculum and are regularly inspected by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Service and skills (Ofsted). Different types of schools will run in different ways, implementing different policies and serving different educational needs. The School Standards and Framework Act, 1998 identifies four main categories of state-maintained school: community, foundation, voluntary-controlled and voluntary-aided.
School Type | Description | Community School | The
Bibliography: * Identify the main types of state and independent schools: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/parents/types_of_schools/ (Assessed on 24th February 2013) http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/education/schools.html#prim (Assessed on 24th February 2013) * 1.2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_England#Primary_and_secondary_education (Assessed on 25th February 2013) * 1.3 http://www.bridgend.gov.uk/web/groups/public/documents/services/015550.hcsp (Assessed on 1st March 2013) * 1.4 * 1.5a.b. Define the meaning of Aims and Values: http://www.barhillschool.co.uk/aims-values (Assessed on 4th March 2013)