Fall 2014
Myron “Moe” Kanning Class Sections (7082 “2:30” & 13576 “9:30”)
Due Date: Wednesday – November 12
Early Turn In (20 extra points): Wednesday – October 15,
(Paper Copies of the Project Must be Handed in During Student’s Normal Class Time)
**This handout defines 200 (80%) out 250 possible points (B-) for this project. Additional details for the remaining 50 points will be discussed in class. Take Detailed Notes**
**Class Discussion – Tips for added points preceded by the words “Great Analysis Includes, Highly Competitive Companies, or Great Reports Include.”
“Understanding a Business”
This project is designed to begin your understanding of company performance & how performance impacts the value of a business.
Term Project
Student…assume the role…employed by a CEO …as a college summer intern.
Student… will work directly for the CEO.
Student’s summer assignment…reviews the company in detail & develop a presentation…to be delivered directly to the CEO…great CEO’s use outside eyes to look at the company.
The report should be brief, direct, & to the point.
To accomplish this… a bullet point (Outline) presentation should be utilized.
Business presentation…preferred business style…short sentence outline.
Each student will be assigned a company to review the second class meeting of the semester.
The project is worth 250 points out of 1000 total class points. (25% of course grade)
Format -10 pts. Presentation style…bullet points.
List the topic or question being answered.
Address the topic or answer the question & provide the logic.
Any large paragraph (¼ page or longer)…will result in not getting the format points & an additional 5 point deduction from the score. (235 point maximum)
Part I – 165 pts. Company Research. Can be any length. Student’s Choice!
Part II - 75 pts. Follow & record the company’s stock price each week for 5 weeks & provide brief defined stock related