This assignment comprise of FOUR (4) questions consisting of spreadsheet, word processor, database, and slides. You may use other software aside from Ms Excel, Ms Word, Ms Access, and Ms PowerPoint. However, note that the module specifically focuses on the four mentioned software both in lecture and in labs. Each question in each section has its own software application requirements. Read all of the questions carefully to fully understand the requirements before starting the assignment. This assignment is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment.
Learning Outcomes:
In conclusion, students should be able to:
Create a professional-looking documentation with sufficient coverage.
Prepare a financial accounting spreadsheet with appropriate formulas, functions, formatting and charts.
To create tables in a database, forms to enter data into the tables and a variety of queries to be performed based on the table.
To create and design a set of presentation slides based on the facts gathered from a research.
Understand the different applications of Microsoft Office towards easing problem solving methods in habitual corporate situations.
You have just started a small business of your own, selling three different brands of stationery. You have hired three employees, each in charge of selling a specific brand. Using the spreadsheet skills which you have acquired from your Practical IT Skills (PITS) class, you have decided to create a spreadsheet template. The template should only contain permanent data, functions, calculation, and information. Any data to be entered by the users based on monthly or day-to-day transaction are considered non-permanent (i.e. items bought from suppliers, items sold, etc…), and therefore should not be saved within the template. For every new month, the template is opened once and saved as a new workbook with a name corresponding to the month and year of the current time. The spreadsheet would help you