Sherwin Duco Daquioag
Learning in the 20th century is basically teacher centered – teachers would spoon fed the facts then the students will swallow it without internalizing it. Memorizing discrete facts would be enough for the students to learn without any further neither research nor analysis. These techniques are no longer effective for today’s situation in the global community because 21st century is technology-based and there is what we call ‘Global Classroom’. (Olivia, 2013)
The most common and most important technological tool to be use in learning today is the computers wherein using this device is a critical 21st century skill. Saxnea (2013) said that computer literacy is a critical 21st century skill. Computing devices greatly assist in teaching and learning and make them more engaging and effective. This basic critical skill must be portrayed by an individual today because we are being driven by these technologies to our everyday lives. In a more specific sense, Soule (2009) said that learners today should also possess information literacy, media literacy, and ICT literacy to properly and effectively interact with other learners. Radios, televisions, internet, cellphones, laptops, netbooks, and tablets are some of the common technologies being used in a 21st century class.
We are no longer so much depending on outdated books, pen, and paper because there are loads of information piled up in the internet. Through this, a learner can easily have his online research and be shared with the other learners for future consumption. There will also be an effective effect in a classroom because learners have their interest with technologies – using these technologies in learning would give a great advantage for the students to learn because teachers are making way to give what they need to have more freedom in learning. There will be a positive impact of doing these because learners are so much used to these kinds of
References: Soule, H. (2009).Framework for 21st century learning.Retrieved July 2015, from http:// www. p21. org/storage /documents/P21_framework_0515.pdf Eggen, D. (2009).10 Signs of a 21st century classroom. Retrieved July 2015 from Eggen, D. (2011).Framework for student learning.Retrieved July 2015, from https:// education. media/6581166/framework.pdf Eggen, D. (2008).Emerging technologies in the 21st century. Retrieved July 2015, from https:// education.alberta. ca/edia/823917/etreport.pdf Saxnea, S. (2013).Top 10 characteristics of a 21st century classroom. Retrieved July 2015, from Mintz, S. (2014).Five Ways that 21st and 20th Century Learning Will Differ . Retrieved July 2015, from Olivia, P. (2013) Developing the Curriculum. Retrieved July 2015, fromhttp:// www. 21stcenturyschools. com/20th_vs_21st_Century_Classroom.htm