build upon older myths. This is undisputable. Some very clever people, in order to keep and increase their power and wealth, needed a way to control how entire nations think to prevent self determination in order to make them do whatever they want them to do.
Religions served this purpose very well considering events of the last 2000 years. The documentary doesn’t fight against a god, just religion. I don’t attend church or pray but I do believe that there is a greater being out there but I must say, even if there is no god and everything is based strictly on astrology. You cannot deny the fact religion has brought out some of the best in people. These kinds of films tie my head in knots. I have in a debate with myself because I have points of agreements and disagreements.
My disagreements with the documentary are as follows. The problem with a lot of this is that there are historical texts that speak of Jesus and texts that prove the existence of all of these 12 disciples and Jesus. For this stuff to hold water all of these men would have to be fictional and they are not. Have you guys ever thought of the Israelites in Egypt long before Christianity and the other religions and Egyptian’s religion...and that they wrote the history of what God did before and that they prophesized from God the later coming of Jesus when they were there in Egypt? Maybe the Egyptians copied them after Moses set the Israelites free and the Egyptians tried to look upon the same God except they messed …show more content…
up? No one knows for sure, so let’s not call everything fake. It’s easy to warp, distort, or bash religion when you take everything you can literally. I hope everybody takes the time to try and find the way of a follower of Christ, and the message of God's word. The producer might know a little about history, how accurate it is isn't for sure, but he sure doesn't know anything about faith. We find an enormous amount of intelligence embodied in the laws of nature; look at Kevlar’s laws, Newton’s inverse square law, Einstein’s laws to name a few. If scientists are spending all this brainpower trying to decode this intelligence and the laws of nature, then who encoded it? Who put it there? Is it even reasonable to suggest that the laws of nature created themselves? Or just popped into existence? I think it makes a lot more sense to believe in a creator who reflects that intelligence. How does crown of thorns equal sun rays? Why does the cross behind his head represent an astrological cross instead of the ACTUAL cross he was crucified on? It’s a known fact that Jesus wasn’t born on the 25th that date was chosen to try to make it easier for pagans of the time to convert! How does a calf become a BULL, Moses was never associated with a ram's horn in the bible! Jesus mentioned fish, just like he mentioned bread, mustard seeds, lambs, serpents, grapes etc. Of course, with all these, and being a Christian, I will not be closed minded with the knowledge I grew up with; we all have to be open-minded for all possibilities.
In contrast with the cons, there are always the pros.
This video has some mistakes, but not all of the information is wrong. The bottom line is that religion serves as device to control and divide people (example: YouTube). Humans like to think of themselves as separate from nature. In the past we've created things such as the supernatural... simply because we can't explain them. The best example is a "GOD”, because He is supernatural He automatically applies Himself outside of natural laws, so therefore he needs no explanation. Isn't that too easy? How can millions of people think that there are only two places you can go after death (heaven & hell), when earth is just a microscopic spec in this vast universe. Heaven is reward and hell is punishment, which are human concepts. I have a personal "theory", everything in existence is made up of cosmic dust and when life on earth dies it simply returns to the planet while the rest of the world carries on. It’s simple and makes sense. It’s just not as beautiful as religious ideas. Anyone who understandsthe history of astrology from ancient Mesopotamia knows that everything even remotely religious is based on it. Now I understand why Christians have always been against astrology. They tell people that the zodiac is evil and part of the occult so that people wouldn't learn this truth. I do think the maker of this video is looking at itmetaphorically, maybe he's just showing that there is evidence proving God is not real, or
religion (Christianity) is unreal as well. Besides, he's not bashing either. He's giving facts, which is more than I see most of us Christians are doing. A can quote an atheist friend of mine, “There is no god, there is no Jesus. There is only the Sky, the Sun, the Darkness, thestars, the planets, and this earth and all the things on it.”
Believe what you will, but we are a people governed by myths and those that see fit to perpetuate the evils of those myth's laws by preaching fear, fire and brimstone are keeping the world in a tomb of repetition. Don’t join a cult just because you're afraid to die and your mommy told you too. Life is an individual’s mystery to behold. There’s nothing wrong with believing, hoping and having faith. Beliefs give people hope; without hope, we wouldn’t have anything to live for. I think we're all goingto believe what we want to believe. But this movie makes more sense than anything I've ever heard in church. When you're young it's fun to romanticize everything, including death, but you have to look at it realistically: we die, and that's it. For me that seems a lot more believable than some beautiful afterlife where you meet with past loved ones. I still believe there is something above us; more than Mother Nature. I don't know what it is... I am supposedly a Christian, I pray, but at the same time I look at facts and science. That's my nature. For hardcore Christians, questioning the words of the bible is a sin. We all may be sinning because we are questioning every aspect, every verse and every thought in the Bible. But I don't assume that just because something is written in a book it is already so. Maybe there is nothing, but everything in my life so far has happened for a reason. Even the bad experiences, there is definitely a mysterious balance to life.