Longest Paper Ever
Mlomeister has given me a link to this site. One day I am not going to get so angry at these types of things. It’s a fact of life and an age-old issue, one that is almost pointless to fight and refute because it is an incredibly emotional topic and requires a lot time and effort to understand. Not only that, but there are hundreds and hundreds of sites like this, each one gathering information from each other so they’ve created their own religion against religion. Not too many people will delve into the ‘why’s and how’s of things like this, it’s way easier to just nod and shake your fist, close your eyes and form your opinions without doing anything to make sure that your opinions are based on literal fact, on truth. I was definitely, definitely one of those people. The negative bandwagon is so easy to jump on too, who wants to look into something they are scared of the answers too anyways? Answers to these things means we have to give up control to a God who clearly has judged man, using death.
And although I am so reluctant to turn my blog into a theological battleground, because it is not my strength nor my forte, I feel it is my duty to show how misconstrued information can get when put into the minds of angry, ignorant people, becaus this site was brought to my attention. I am not the kind of person that seeks argument or debate, but I feel it is my duty to show what happens when you follow a recipe but start from the 5th ingredient down and get angry when your bread doesn’t rise. It’s as simple as that, really. This post is written by me and by M who helped me find the historical fact and information I needed.
Please note: I believe that Yahweh is our Creator. I believe everything in the book of Genesis, if you want to look into this stuff, here is a great site, and I believe it also has links to other sites with information on it as well, just so you don’t think that I’m only pulling information from one source. That said, my ultimate source for the