The film opens in Gethsemane in the dead of night some hours after the last supper. Jesus prays and is tempted by Satan, while his apostles, Peter, James, and John sleep. In the film, when Jesus is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, he says “Father, if you are willing, take this chalice from me…” However Jesus actually said “…take this cup from me…” Altering the word cup to chalice may not be a not be a huge change, but it does give a sacramental spin to his words that is not there in the original. After receiving thirty pieces of silver from the highly feared Jewish priests of the Temple in …show more content…
However accuracy of the subject speaking historically was moderate with some discrepancies. Actions of the characters in this film were portrayed properly like Pontius Pilate or Herod. Almost all of the characters were historically accurate. The themes in this film such as the crucifixion or the roman control would describe the time period that it happened. This film was bias towards the Christians and rarely took any approach to talk about the Jewish views. Gospels and the bible can be coincided with the film making it a reliable source. This film however did dramatize the actions and attitude of Jesus in my