Agree Son of God is straightforward / it is in Mark 1:1 / what the Christians believed and what Mark’s Gospel describes Jesus as / the Chief Priest asked him if he was Son of the Blessed One at the trial and Jesus answered, ‘I am.’ / Psalm 2 may be referred to here by some students / described as this at the baptism / transfiguration / immediately after Jesus died / declared Son of God by demon possessed people / declaration of faith when it is used / not just understood by Jewish people.
Other views Son of Man could be just ‘a man’ / or it could have the messianic overtones from Daniel and Enoch describes the service that Jesus did / he used it himself of himself / Peter called Jesus the Christ / Messiah / this means ‘anointed one’ and could have been misunderstood and confused Jesus’ hearers at the time because they were expecting a kingly, warrior messiah who would overthrow the Romans and the corrupt Jewish leadership / other titles that students may refer to from Mark are Lord of the Sabbath / Teacher / Rabbi / King of the Jews / Son of David.
Mark’s Gospel proves that Jesus is the Messiah (Christ).’
Agree Mark 11 states that Jesus is Son of God / the power that Jesus demonstrates in his work shows that he is the Messiah / feeding of the 5000 / calming of the storm / healing miracles / the resurrection / the voices from heaven in the baptism and transfiguration passages / Jesus’ own use of the Son of Man phrase which has messianic overtones / Jesus corrects messianic expectation with Son of Man / Bartimaeus called Jesus son of David (messianic title).
Other views: The gospel depicts the wrong Messiah in Jewish eyes / Jews were not expecting a peaceful Messiah / the entry into Jerusalem was not as it should have been / Jesus was peaceful not warrior like / Jesus failed to challenge the Romans / allowed himself to be crucified / may have saved a few people but not messianic.
Explain why Jesus told the disciples to