Research is a systematic investigation that is used to seek answers to questions, while the methodology is a system of rules that are explicit and built on which the survey is based and against which knowledge claims are generally valued (Nachamias et al., 1996). The research is performed on the basis of the theory that was extracted from the study of the deep literature and helps to interpret and collect the data. The theory serves as a basis to conduct the research.
A research can be conducted by using different methods, techniques and guidelines. However the most appropriate method of conducting a research is quantitative and qualitative approach.
Quantitative Approach that addresses research objectives through empirical …show more content…
It is considered as an inductive approach in which interviews and case study methods are used to collect and analyze data. Saunders et al. (2009) claims qualitative can range from a short list of responses to open-ended questions in a questionnaire to more complex data such as transcripts of in-depth interviews or entire policy documents. However Walliman (2011) stresses that qualitative data cannot be accurately measured and counted as they are generally expressed in words rather than numbers.
To achieve the aim of this study quantitative research method was used. The main advantages of quantitative methods are related to flexibility and versatility and also to the fact that will provide to the researcher deep understanding of the topic or research problem (Malhotra, et al., 2012).
Saunders et al (2007) state research approach can be divided into two categories and they are called inductive and deductive. Gabriel (2003) states inductive and deductive are opposed to each other, He also mentioned that deductive approach is aimed and testing theory, an inductive approach is concerned with the generation of new theory emerging from the data. To justify the topic of impact on service quality on customer satisfaction deductive approach will be …show more content…
That’s why
The target population for the study is clients of RCM Medigain in the united states (Doctors in the U.S.). RCM Medigain has 240 clients as of December 31, 2015. In this study, a systematic sampling approach — a type of random sampling (Zikmund, 2000) was used. It was a sampling design that involved choosing every 4th client from the alphabetic naming order list (Sekaran, 2003). After the sampling process, online survey link was sent to those selected 60 clients via E-mail.
3.5 Limitation of Methodology
The study has certain limitations. Quantitative research methodology is used for this study where we can only get the statistical based responses, but in the qualitative research we could get the broad and complete responses from our customers about their perception on the service quality, however due to the limitation of financial recourses and time qualitative method could not be used. This has been identified as a limitation of this