Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Rationale for the research
* The most important rationale behind conducting the research is to fulfil the requirement of the degree requirement. This certainly is import to fulfil the part in order to obtain the degree. * The methodology chapter contains the discussion about the methodology adapted during the research process. The adapted methodology adapted on the rationale ground. First the research topic was carefully and analytically chosen. The selection of topic was the rationale decision due to two basic reasons. First reason was that the information available on the topic is excessive and vast quantity. The secondary information is readily available in the libraries, internet, Tescos head office, blogs and journals. The second reason for the selection of topic was the access to the management of Tesco’s. The access becomes barrier in most of the selection and the topic. Therefore the rationale decision was taken to consider the topic which for the information resources could be available in the sufficient quantity.
* The deeper study of theoretical aspects can provide the inner insight, enlightened through the theoretical ground but provision of practical hands on the experience is certainly a process to testify the theoretical concepts on the realistic grounds. Therefore this was obvious rationale to select a prestigious organization that actually practically applying all the theories on the practical grounds every day basis.
* The reasons behind the selection of Tesco’s were obvious because the company operates successfully and have branches scatter on different locations. Thus this provides an ease to reach the branches for the research purpose
* The second rationale was that the organizations is large therefore there is so much opportunity to learn more things and obtain more experience
* The employees are quite friendly that helps out