With the physical context and user tasks demonstrated in the last two section, here the cultural model will be brought in for constraints analysis from the hurdles while they are ongoing with task achievement.
While engaging in a specified task that requires a collaboration with colleagues in this decentralized working areas, employees, the “initiator” from a department would like to arrange a task-oriented communication with “recipient” if required. As such the possible question could be:
How fast can initiator get connected to the recipient? How long will the communication process take for task elaboration as well solution negotiation? Can both sides entirely clear with and completely remember what …show more content…
If inspecting from the functional perspective, the social applications do assist with social business like personal contacting, in case the traditional voice channels (e.g. phones) are not applicable occasionally; or to utilize collaborative apps to support jobs done by a personal preference. The relatively prominent issues are 1.) the synchronization of mutual information could be tough to share and control if two persons have to do a co-working but with each respective application; 2.) the tracking path of this detailed work process could be varying from individual to individual, that would cause a conflict when a traceability negotiation is required.
From the other dimension of conventional social media serving enterprise working is, no single social application could satisfy all business needs in one company. People do use social media to assist their practical tasks, but also could be time-consuming if they have to switch between more than two apps frequently. Either a personal perception or a collaborative group work process would be affected due to this incoherency.
Therefore, the fundamental motivation is to generalize a concept of a specified enterprise social networking system for this company internal use only, to serve the domestic needs that from employees by referring to the working …show more content…
Contextual Analysis, Big idea.
Adopting a user-centered methodology to analyze and collect user data in this detailed company case, thus to form a big idea for a system conceptualization.
In the concrete company daily working scenarios, people have varying tasks to accomplish, in line with their assigned roles and responsibilities. Those User Tasks - the most needed of computer-based techniques support are yet described (see Table 2), thereby the task domain is constituted and the duty is to ensure each System Task from task-domain can be fulfilled, for assisting or even replacing the way people manipulate in the real world.
2). Conceptualization Phase
For all the projects startup there should be at least one goal for their implementation, thus to bring out the accompanying and explicable components to structure a system.
The both Business and Project Objectives will be defined, according to those realistic situations and background stated previously. The Project Objectives of the upcoming system will be corresponded to Business Objectives based on company case