By Jared Frost
Some say that this generation doesn’t know what music is good, that we only listen to wub wubz and dubstep. Well I disagree! this generation knows music better than any other. With songs like Gangnam style and party rock anthem, how can you go wrong!? The music I listen to is not dumb, it’s awesome! The songs I will be using are
“Uptown Funk Ft Bruno Mars” by Mark Ronson, “Smoke Rings” by Royal Tusk, and
“Imperial” by Julian Calor. If you have listened to the song “Uptown Funk Ft Bruno Mars” by Mark Ronson, you know that this song is a typical funk song. This song isn’t the kind of music that makes you want to go wild and party hard, it’s the kind of song that makes you feel oddly happy. I think a lot of the feelings that come from listening to this song are from the beat at the tone of voice, an upbeat rhythm and a pumped up tone of voice add up to a feelgood song. Listening to this song makes you feel like you could actually do anything (even though you can’t). Listening to this song can bring several images to mind, like a bunch of people just walking around singing. Theres nothing wrong with that so this isnt a bad song choice. This song is just a feelgood song so nobody can really argue against it.
One of my favourite songs to listen to is “Smoke Rings” by Royal Tusk. This song is an indierock style of music, not too heavy, but not light. I like how in the chorus of this song that it gets some more guitar and drum actions, it sounds a bit gritty and intense at the chorus but that’s my favourite part! I don't usually listen to such heavy music, but to me, the chorus is pretty awesome. The chorus has some slow talk and slow playing, then it gets heavy and gritty. It’s my favourite part in the whole song! I don’t understand why anyone would not like me listening to this music, it’s just my favourite indierock song. I only really like the song for it’s gritty chorus, some people