Did you know: * A cartridge takes about 450 years to bio-degrade? * Every time you throw away a laser cartridge you waste 4 litres of oil? * On disposal of an inkjet cartridge, about a litre of oil is wasted? * Every year, 2 billion cartridges end up in landfills which release a lot of harmful plastic ingredients into the soil * India consumes about 4 million laser cartridges & 8 million ink cartridges annually
Printing, copying & faxing are some common activities in your office environment which have major environmental implications. Give back to the environment with Powerpoint Cartridges. Adhere to the 3 Rs of eco-friendly business.
The first step to reducing your impact on the environment is reducing the amount of resources you consume. There are several ways to reduce consumption. The opportunities are nearly endless. And we offer you a truly impactful one!
Much of the plastic we utilize in the workplace can be re-used. Whether it is pens or printer cartridges! All you need to be is conscious and creative.
Making something new out of something old is a fantastic way of saving resourcers – energy, water, raw material – and of course, reducing pollution. Modern waste reduction can be accelerated by recycling more and more.
Powerpoint Cartridges Pvt Ltd. Offers: * 100% recycled cartridges with performance guarantee * A recycling program for your used toner cartridges * When you choose one of our cartridges you buy a cartridge otherwise destined for a landfill * All cartridges packed at PowerPoint use 100% recycled material; we constantly look to innovate in making cartridge usage an ecologically low-impact