Five questions to ask, the people who created this message were the writers of 30 rock. I feel like the lighting and the way the scene went were ways that they caught my attention. For some reason I caught the techical side of this scene. I never watched an episode of 30 rock so i'm not sure if they normally shoot this way ,but the design of this clip made me feel as if I watching normal bussiness meetings or meeting a boss.I know for a fact that someone else is class will see this in a different light. Just of …show more content…
What ever the andgenja of the media they will true to influence people to get them to buy in whatever their saleing. One of the medias messages were selling the oven that jay did. One thing that stuck out was him talking about how the oven could cook the whole turkey in 22 mintues. Where that line stuck out to me another line can stand out to another. I know for most when Jay broke down the women to a tee. I laughed ,but for some reason the oven facts stuck out more. Although there was people in the background the cameras were focus on the main three characters. that was the veiw point they was trying to sell. Without a question from that clip Generel electity made money of the ovens. Out of my 21 years of living that was the most tv time I seen ovens getting. Everyone almost has one in their