The Battle of Thermopylae goes down in history for being one of the most heroic feats of bravery in any war. The Spartan King Leonidas led 300 Spartan warriors in a fight to block the Persian Army from passing into Greece through a two meter wide pass through the mountains of Thermopylae. The Persian army that vastly outnumbered the Spartans was beat back for two days and during those defeats they suffered heavy losses that outweighed the Spartans 20 to 1. All was lost on the third day after a traitor revealed to the Persian King Xexres that there was a hidden path that would lead his army behind the Spartan lines. We will never know if King Leonidas would have been able to defeat the Persian forces because he and all his men were slaughtered that third day.
I wonder what kind of man was this King to have loved his country and it's people so much that he fought and died with them. It's almost a romantic notion that a leader could lay down his life in such a valiant and futile attempt at saving his country. Our modern day leaders fight wars half a world away from the battles they send their soldiers into. Think about how differently wars would be perceived if our President lead the battle from within the war zone. How united do you think we would be as a people to follow a leader that was that brave enough to put his own life on the line? How sad would the fate be of a nation the had killed out leader in a battle? The will of the American people to fight would be awe- inspiring. However I am afraid that when the next onslaught on the world happens there will be no leaders like Leonidas to fend it off.
The Greeks later united after the Battle of Thermopylae and lead by Spartan generals defeated the Persian army. It is believed that King Xerxres lost the will to