Yesterday, three hundred Spartans lost their lives. They were fighting against the Persian army. They held out for three days before one of them told the Persians how to defeat them. No word yet on who it was. Whoever it was died anyway though. Persia continues to advance. Every Spartan there knew that they were only meant to slow the Persians down. However, they had bigger plans. One Spartans journal stated it better than I could. “We do not think we will lose our battles. We will always strive to win them.” -Spartan 257 Him, and every other Spartan in that army lived, and died by that quote. While the Persians may still be on the march, many of them also lost their lives. Some believe …show more content…
We are still working on a way to slow them down. If the Persians take over Athens, then they will burn our libraries, kill all of us, and destroy our beautiful city. The advancement must, and will be stopped. Philandros Lykourgos age 27 was one of the Spartans killed that day. He was a general, and was quickly moving further up in the ranks of the army. However, against an army of 200,000 men, he didn’t stand a fighting chance. He was killed with a sword to the neck. Others didn’t have such a quick merciful death. Some were trampled by strange beasts from other lands. Others were shot, and left to die. They still have arrows in their dead bodies. Out of the 300 Spartans that were in that army, 259 of them have been located. Theories run wild about the rest of them. Some of them may have been eaten by beasts. Others may have gone off somewhere, and been afraid to show their faces. We do not know if any of them are true. We hope to find the rest soon.
The Spartans may not have defeated, or stopped the Persians, but here’s what they DID do. They held out for three weeks against an army over 666 times the size of their own. They killed several of the Persian invaders. They killed beasts never known to them before. And they bought some time for our allies to