Reading through the story in the study guide about the woman that jumped off the bridge on her birthday triggered a related memory I have long since suppressed. My experience, although not having the same outcome, had a similar effect on me as this incident did on the people around her. Triggering the same response of “do it privately”. Although the pain and suffering or internal anguish of the person committing or attempting to commit the act of suicide will never be known to the people around them, their actions have a direct impact on so many lives.
Generally it is thought that counselling is more for the person that is in such a bad place that they are thinking of taking their own lives. Trying to find the cause for this dark place and helping them slowly move away from it. But what about the people left behind, the ones that walk in on the scene or the ones that have to look after the person because their failed attempt has left them in an even worse off physical condition than before needing constant care? Only much later did I realise what my experience had left me with and how it had affected my everyday life and mental well-being. I was one of those left to clean up the literal and figurative ‘mess’. This got me thinking that if this has happened to me it is surely a topic that people of similar experiences can get together on and share their pain, frustration and fear to name just a few emotions. I started searching on the Internet to see if I could maybe find such a group and to my amazement I stumbled upon pages and pages of search results.
Support groups for parents, siblings, spouses and families.
These are some of the examples of what the searches looked like:
Looking at the websites at the websites each had their own unique look and
‘hook’ to draw people into using their site.
Through my journey of looking at the resources available on this subject on the World Wide Web, I have seen