The technological progression in the last 30 years can be seen as very impressive. That the world wide web is only 15 years old is hardly to imagine for a sixteen years old teenager. Now a days you can do everything on your mobile phone by using apps, online banking, shopping, working, listening to music, you can even transform it in a baby phone. We are so used to all the technological feats that we becoming also more vulnerable. if we look at the 3D printer what allow us to print endless range of designs including fire arms. New technology can able us to create weapons in our homes in order to maim people is not what we want to take us. It was never so easy to process a fire arm, since a few months you can print it out yourself. The only two thinks needed is the released software of the American company Wiki Weapons and the 3D-printer that cost approximately 600 USD. American law says that homemade creations don’t have to be registered, so there is no license necessary, no background check and no technical knowledge with result that society has no clue who is in procession of a fire arm what can lead to very dangerous situations.
It is legal to create your own fire arm at home in America but what are the consequences for the rest of the world where this is not obvious at all. The entire world has access to this software since Wiki Weapons uploaded the software on their website. In Europe there are strict rules around possession of fire arms, this have led that it is extremely difficult to get hold of a fire arms. The 3D-printer will change this completely what is a real threat for society.
Since the printable gun is entirety from plastic it would not be registered by airport x-ray machines. It is a scary thought if you know that terrorist organisations can use this opportunity for actions similar to like 11 September 2001. This time Wiki Weapons revealed the design for the plastic gun but you can make the designs by yourselves. This