3M is fundamentally a science-based company. We produce thousands of imaginative products, and we're a leader in scores of markets - from health care and highway safety to office products and abrasives and adhesives. Our success begins with our ability to apply our technologies - often in combination - to an endless array of real-world customer needs. Of course, all of this is made possible by the people of 3M and their singular commitment to make life easier and better for people around the world.
Our Values * Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in everything we do. * Satisfy our customers with innovative technology and superior quality, value and service. * Provide our investors an attractive return through sustainable, global growth. * Respect our social and physical environment around the world. * Value and develop our employees' diverse talents, initiative and leadership. * Earn the admiration of all those associated with 3M worldwide.
3M at a Glance (Year-end 2010) * Global sales: $27 billion. * International (non-US) sales: $17.5 billion (65 percent of company's total). * Operations in more than 65 countries. * 3M products sold in nearly 200 countries. * 80,000 employees globally.
Corporate Responsibility
Corporate responsibility is now high on national and international agendas. Yet 3M has long held the belief that reputation depends not solely on our financial performance but also on the way we run our business. In 1975, 3M was one of the first major manufacturing companies actively to address environmental issues and, as with our drive for innovation, we involved employees through our benchmark programme Pollution Prevention Pays.
We believe we have a sound record of achievement in corporate responsibility, but continually strive to improve our performance and address the ongoing challenges and opportunities. We are committed to sustainable development through a